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snippet: This data shows indicator specific data as well as overall assessment unit scores based on the SEZ Basin-wide Monitoring and Assessment Plan. Indicators assessed include Aquatic Organism Passage Barriers, Headcuts, Invasive Plants, Stream Erosion, Habitat Fragmentation, Biotic Integrity, Conifer Encroachment, Vegetation Vigor, Channel Incision, and Presence of Ditches and Gullies. Stream Environment Zonez include Channeled and Non Channeled Meadows, Forested and Non Foreststed Riparian Habitats.
summary: This data shows indicator specific data as well as overall assessment unit scores based on the SEZ Basin-wide Monitoring and Assessment Plan. Indicators assessed include Aquatic Organism Passage Barriers, Headcuts, Invasive Plants, Stream Erosion, Habitat Fragmentation, Biotic Integrity, Conifer Encroachment, Vegetation Vigor, Channel Incision, and Presence of Ditches and Gullies. Stream Environment Zonez include Channeled and Non Channeled Meadows, Forested and Non Foreststed Riparian Habitats.
accessInformation: Tahoe Regional Planning Association , TRPA, Weixelman, D. A., B. Hill, D.J. Cooper, E.L. Berlow, J. H. Viers, S.E. Purdy, A.G. Merrill, and S.E. Gross. 2011. Meadow Hydrogeomorphic Types for the Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascade Ranges in California: A Field Key. Gen. Tech. Rep. R5-TP-034. Vallejo, CA. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, 34 pp. UC Davis, Center for Watershed Sciences & USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, 2017. Sierra Nevada Multi-Source Meadow Polygons Compilation (v 2.0), Vallejo, CA, Regional Office: USDA Forest Service. 2017.
maxScale: 5000
typeKeywords: []
description: TRPA layer identifying assessment units for the SEZ monitoring program. This data shows indicator specific data as well as overall assessment unit scores based on the SEZ Basin-wide Monitoring and Assessment Plan. Indicators assessed include Aquatic Organism Passage Barriers, Headcuts, Invasive Plants, Stream Erosion, Habitat Fragmentation, Biotic Integrity, Conifer Encroachment, Vegetation Vigor, Channel Incision, and Presence of Ditches and Gullies. Stream Environment Zonez include Channeled and Non Channeled Meadows, Forested and Non Foreststed Riparian Habitats.
licenseInfo: No warranty expressed or implied is made by the TRPA regarding the utility of the data, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. We recognize these errors and make an effort to correct them as they are discovered. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency does not warrant in any way that data will meet the user's requirements, will be complete, uninterrupted or error free, or that any defects will be corrected.
title: Sierra Nevada Multi-Source Meadow Polygons Compilation (v 2.0)
tags: ["meadows","Sierra Nevada","Tahoe Regional Planning Agency","Threshold","SEZ","Stream Environment Zone","wetlands"]
culture: en-US
minScale: 150000000