{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This feature class shows polygon parcels within the Lake Tahoe Basin, compiled from assessor data collected from El Dorado, Placer, Washoe, Carson City, and Douglas Counties. The data includes an extended set of attributes, including address, owner information, and spatial intersections. It is updated monthly.", "description": "This dataset is the official parcel dataset of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. It includes the following fields:\nAPN, PPNO, HSE_NUMBR, UNIT_NUMBR, STR_DIR, STR_NAME, STR_SUFFIX, APO_ADDRESS, PSTL_TOWN, PSTL_STATE, PSTL_ZIP5, MAIL_ADD1, MAIL_ADD2, MAIL_CITY, MAIL_STATE, MAIL_ZIP5, JURISDICTION, COUNTY, OWNERSHIP_TYPE, COUNTY_LANDUSE_CODE, COUNTY_LANDUSE_DESCRIPTION, EXISTING_LANDUSE, REGIONAL_LANDUSE, IPES_SCORE, AS_LANDVALUE, AS_IMPROVALUE, AS_SUM, TAX_LANDVALUE, TAX_IMPROVALUE, TAX_SUM, TAX_YEAR, YEAR_BUILT, UNITS, BEDROOMS, BATHROOMS, BUILDING_SQFT, ESTIMATED_COVERAGE_ALLOWED, IMPERVIOUS_SURFACE_SQFT, SOIL_1974, SOIL_2003, CATCHMENT, HRA_NAME, WATERSHED_NUMBER, WATERSHED_NAME, PRIORITY_WATERSHED, FIREPD, PLAN_ID, PLAN_NAME, ZONING_ID, ZONING_DESCRIPTION, TOWN_CENTER, LOCATION_TO_TOWNCENTER, TOLERANCE_ID, TAZ, INDEX_1987, WITHIN_TRPA_BNDY, LOCAL_PLAN_HYPERLINK, DESIGN_GUIDELINES_HYPERLINK, LTINFO_HYPERLINK, PLAN_TYPE, INDEX_1987_HYPERLINK, PARCEL_ACRES, PARCEL_SQFT, WITHIN_BONUSUNIT_BNDY, ESTIMATED_PRCNT_COV_ALLOWED, STATUS\n\nPlease note that this dataset contains owner names and is not available for public download. Access is restricted to authorized users only. Last updated: October 2024.", "summary": "This feature class shows polygon parcels within the Lake Tahoe Basin, compiled from assessor data collected from El Dorado, Placer, Washoe, Carson City, and Douglas Counties. The data includes an extended set of attributes, including address, owner information, and spatial intersections. It is updated monthly.", "title": "SDE.Parcel_Master", "tags": [ "Parcel", "TRPA", "Land Use", "Tahoe" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 150000000, "maxScale": 5000, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Douglas County, El Dorado County, Placer County, Washoe County, Carson City County", "licenseInfo": "
This data should not be shared, unless a Memorandum of Understanding has been established. We currently have a MOU with the Tahoe Resource Conservation District.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "portalUrl": "" }