{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "", "description": "Attribute table fields:Management Strategy: Each PAS has a management strategy: mitigation, redirection, or maximum regulation. All defined in the TRPA Code.Pre-Community Plan Area: Y if designated as a pre-community plan area.Shorezone: Y if area lies within or intersects with shorezone boundary.TDR Recieving: Yes if special area lies within town center boundary.Within Urban Boundary: 1 if located within urban boundary, 0 otherwise. The urban boundary is defined as all RES, COM/PS, and TOR regional land uses.This GIS layer includes Special Area #1 amendments per Ordinance 2014-02 (amended 05/24/14) and 10/25/12 (Ordinance 2012-13) amendment: the addition of Special Area 1 in PAS 100 (Truckee Marsh). Additionally, a parcel alignment amendment was added to Special Area 1 in PAS 114 (Bonanza) near PAS 110 (South Y) per Section 11.7.1.C in the TRPA Code of Ordinances.In addition to 9 Special Areas, the Placer County Tahoe Basin Area Plan also contains six special planning area overlay districts that act as special areas. 1.Tahoe City Western Entry Special Planning Area (TCWE-SPA): the purpose of this SPA is to promote SEZ restoration along the Truckee River in conjunction with any development utilizing Town Center redevelopment incentives.2. Tahoe City River District Special Planning Area (TCGC-SPA): The purpose of this SPA is to implement project design requirements that support the conversion of the old SR 89/Fanny Bridge roadway segment from a State Highway to a recreation-oriented County roadway.3. Tahoe City Golf Course Special Planning Area (TCGC-SPA): The purpose of this SPA is to promote redevelopment in the Tahoe City Town Center, shared use projects and accelerated SEZ restoration.4. Truckee River Corridor Special Planning Area (TRC-SPA): The purpose of this SPA is to improve the planning framework for two pockets of industrial and commercial use sites along Highway 89 between Tahoe City and Alpine Meadows.5. Kings Beach Entry Special Planning Area (KBE-SPA): The purpose of this SPA is to promote integrated development addressing land use, design, circulation, recreation, public services, and natural resources.6. North Stateline Special Planning Area (NS-SPA): The purpose of this SPA is to maintain the validity of existing plans and development approvals, while encouraging the development of an integrated Town Center plan in coordination with property owners.", "summary": "", "title": "Special Planning Area Overlay", "tags": [], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": "NaN", "maxScale": "NaN", "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "", "portalUrl": "" }